LabLink Member Guide

Your LabLink journal should have:

-Calendar: Log the hours you spend each time you go in to work on your project.  A minimum of 60 hours is neccesary to create an worthwhile project.

-Journal: Write down a synopsis of each session you go to.  You may also use the paper to write down any information important to your project.

*Both the calendar and journal will be collected at the end of the mentorship so that officers can evaluate the quality of your project.  

*It is mandatory that you read and sign a "hold harmless" form before starting a mentorship.  

Effective communication: Making contact with your mentor is essential.  Because mentors may have overloaded inboxes, it's important to use phone calls if emails fail.  When conversing with your mentor, be sure to be respectful, concise, and direct.  You must communicate what you want out of the mentorship so that the mentor knows how to have you partake in their work.  Discuss your schedule with your mentor and find out which times work best.

Preliminary meeting: Schedule a day to meet with your mentor before the start of the internship. Describe to them exactly what you want out of your experience, whether it be getting familiar with the facilities, conducting your own research, using your data for a science fair, etc. Ask them about different projects they are currently involved on and what their grad students/interns are working on to find the best match for you. This step is very important, as often the mentors will have no idea what you are expecting of them or what to expect of you. Act as respectful and intelligent as possible so they gain confidence in your abilities and assign you to a challenging and stimulating task.

Transportation: Organizing rides to and from the lab will be important.  If you cannot provide your own transportation, ask Cleveland Clinic SHS interns or other people who transit to Cleveland on a regular basis.

Fundraising: In order to provide financing for end of the year gifts for mentors along with other items, there will be a $5 club due for all who accepted into Lablink.

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